Service development and consumption flourishes in a well-specified ecosystem.
Feature stew
See also: the join calculus
Composable units of functionality
baz = foo ∘ bar
Establish boundaries
Describe the interface
"To foo a bar, you must provide a baz, and you will receive a qux."
var httpsync = require('httpsync');
var codegen = require('swagger-js-codegen').CodeGen;
var fs = require('fs');
var specUrl = '';
var response = httpsync.get(specUrl).end();
var swagger = JSON.parse(;
var clientJs = codegen.getNodeCode({ className: 'RESTBase', swagger: swagger });
fs.writeFileSync('client.js', clientJs);
var RESTBase = (function() {
RESTBase.prototype.listRevisions = function(parameters) { // ...
RESTBase.prototype.getLatestFormat = function(parameters) { // ...
RESTBase.prototype.getFormatRevision = function(parameters) { // ...
RESTBase.prototype.getFormatRevision = function(parameters) { // ...
// ...
exports.RESTBase = RESTBase;
Swagger is extensible
"x-amples": [
"request": {
"params": {
"domain": "en.wikipedia.test.local",
"title": "Foobar"
"response": {
"status": 200,
"headers": {
"content-type": "text/html;"
Happy users
Features delivered as desired.
Excited developers
Empowered to build and deliver awesomeness.
Rainbows and ponies for all
OMG!! Ponies!!
Q) How do we stay on track?
A) Specify it.
Spec has to be reliable
Spec-first vs. spec-last